In your view what are some of the social, ethical, and political issues raised by information systems? What are the tools available to make ethical decisions? What impact do the information systems have on the protection of individual privacy and intellectual property?

Discussion Respond to the following in a substantive post (3–4 paragraphs): In your view what are some of the social, ethical, and political issues raised by information systems? What are the tools available to make ethical decisions? What impact do the information systems have on the protection of individual privacy and intellectual property? What are […]

Describe how this bill affects the community, nursing, and nursing practice.

Write a letter in “block format”. The letter will be written to a Senator regarding H.R.3 -117th. Requesting the senator to vote lower drug prices. The bill was introduced in April 2021. Write a persuasive detailed letter to a Senator influencing his her ability to change policy/ reduce prescription prices for Medicare patients. Place in […]

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