Choose an account from the Bible that describes an ethical dilemma and describe what happened in your own words.

Choose an account from the Bible that describes an ethical dilemma and describe what happened in your own words. Write a six to eight-page paper that includes the following criteria: Summary of the content of the biblical passage including the story, ethical issue, and outcomes or consequences of choices. Include the scriptural reference. Summarize the […]

Can hacking be ethical? Provide examples of hacks which support your answer, and critically assess the arguments for and against.

The essay will need to critically assess the claims for and against hacking. Two ethical hacks and two unethical hacks should be cover in the essay. With the essay reaching the conclusion that hacking is ethical and now necessary in our times.

What are the issues faced by the federal, state, and local governments in balancing public safety while still protecting the constitutional rights of the inhabitants of the United States?

What are the issues faced by the federal, state, and local governments in balancing public safety while still protecting the constitutional rights of the inhabitants of the United States? If you owned a business, how would you want control distributed between the federal, state, and local governments, and how much power over making your own […]

Define Utilitarianism and explain whether that approach is best for leaders of highly populated organizations.

1) Define Utilitarianism and explain whether that approach is best for leaders of highly populated organizations. 2) In Kant’s categorical imperative, the principle of respecting persons is emphasized. Provide an example of this type of approach and why it was or was not effective in the work setting. 3) John Dewey made the case for […]

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