What type of strategic alliance was created between Disney and Pixar? Discuss how Disney achieve competitive advantage from this alliance.

INSTRUCTIONS FOR YOUR DISCUSSION POSTS Read Mini Case 9, Disney: Building Billion-Dollar Franchises (page 499-502) (50 points): Post your responses to the following: What type of strategic alliance was created between Disney and Pixar? Discuss how Disney achieve competitive advantage from this alliance.

visit a large hotel near you, perhaps you are already working in such a location. List the different types and styles of food and beverage service available:Identify if these services are commercial operations owned and operated by the hotel or an independent operation or franchises

Typically customers who visit an up market al a cate restaurant or a chain hotel dining room have little knowledge how the property is organized. Your job is to visit a large hotel near you, perhaps you are already working in such a location. List the different types and styles of food and beverage service […]

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