Develop a connection between these images and the images that are in your text as well as other readings about art.

The purpose of this assignment is to acquaint you with a variety of literature available in the visual arts. This assignment includes a combination of field and bibliographic research to be summarized in a 4-6 page (a minimum of 2000 words) paper written in APA style.   Survey your neighborhood to identify 10 objects or […]

Write a 1-page response (350-400 words) commenting on the following images:“And the trumpet writhed, / broke through the sonorous din, went back and forth / like a lonely soul in a dry silence”“All at one he cried out / that it wasn’t destiny if the world suffered, / if the sunlight wrung out curses” For each of the two images, explain the context in which they are located, comment on the choice of words and the emotions they provoke.

Here are the instructions for our third response paper. This week we read a poem, Pavese’s “The Paper-Smokers.” As you know, poems are generally complex literary texts, in which every word has been chosen by the author with care and every detail is important. For this reason, I’m asking you to work on two of […]

What are some of the rhetorical choices the ad makes that connects it with that protest movement? Choose evidence from the article. Explain.

Co-opting means to take (or steal) someone’s idea and use it for a purpose that is not the one the original person intended. What protest movement was Pepsi and Kendall Jenner accused of co-opting? If the advertisement was co-opting a protest movement, it’s because it was using some of the rhetoric and visual imagery that […]

What stood out for you as the most harmful messages sent to young boys from the images that you saw in this video?

Instructions Please watch the following youtube video “Female Stereotypes in Disney Films” My character is “Snow White” Answer the following questions in a 500 word essay. 1. What stood out for you as the most harmful messages sent to young girls from the images that you saw in this video. 2. What stood out for […]

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