Do you think the men are being treated unfairly in this play? Do you think the withholding of sex would work in modern times? Why or why not?

As we see, conflict between the sexes is one of the main themes of the Lysistrata. In your main thread, discuss your general thoughts on the play as a whole, and along the way, address some or all of the following: What seems to be the real motivation for women to withhold sex? In your […]

Research the role of the Chorus in a play and explain what it is.Analyze the role of the chorus in Lysistrata. Be sure to include examples from the play itself to support your position.

Choose one of the following topics and write a 1000 – 1250 word essay: 1. Examine one of the themes in Lysistrata. Ask yourself questions like:What does the title mean? How is the audience introduced to the theme? What scenes develop the theme and how? Be sure to use examples from the play to support […]

Is the women’s strategy effective? What might the women’s boycott in the name of peace reveal about what humans find to be important?Explain

After reading Lysistrata, answer the following two questions: Is the women’s strategy effective? What might the women’s boycott in the name of peace reveal about what humans find to be important? Write at least 300 words and be sure to cite and then fully analyze a rich, juicy quote to support and complicate your ideas. […]

Use specific details drawn from both works of art to discuss what you consider the single most important difference between them.

(1250 words) Contrast two of the three following works of art: Lysistrata, Symphony no. 5 in C, The Battle of Algiers. Use specific details drawn from both works of art to discuss what you consider the single most important difference between them. Begin with a clear opening statement declaring what the most important difference is, […]

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