Corporate social responsibility (CSR) is an important component of many large organizations’strategic planning. Identify at least five significant CSR initiatives undertaken by your selected company. Do you feel that their various CSR practices are well aligned and legitimaterepresentations of theirbusiness and brand, or are they merely an attempt to ‘appease the public’under the façade of being a socially responsible company? Explain.

Assignment 3 will be marked as follows: Responses 90 Marks Clarity and Grammar/Punctuation 5 Marks Organization and Structure 5 Marks Total Marks 100 Marks Objective for Assignment 3: To understand the key functional areas found in most organizations – Operations, HR, IT, Marketing and Finance ‐ all of which are adding value in order for […]

Create a viable business idea, identifying its legal entity. Justify your choice of business through clear research on the sector and potential markets.

Description Create a viable business idea, identifying its legal entity. Justify your choice of business through clear research on the sector and potential markets. Consider and outline within your proposal the impact and influence of external factors on your new business idea. Within your proposal you should consider your business strategy, operations, marketing and finance […]

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