Evaluate a contemporary moral issue in relation to moral theories, a specific moral system, and a personal moral system.

Evaluate a contemporary moral issue in relation to moral theories, a specific moral system, and a personal moral system. Step 1: Conduct research and select a news story. Throughout your studies, you have been exposed to many moral theories. You have probably agreed with some and disagreed with others. In this assignment, you have the […]

In your view, did the perpetrators of this act of fraud and thievery commit moral wrongdoing? Is it morally justifiable to steal from corporations and fund life-saving research for the betterment of society? Of children?

In November of 1995, a McDonald’s game piece worth $1 million showed up in the mail at St. Jude’s Children’s Hospital in Memphis, Tennessee. St. Jude’s Hospital is an organization whose mission is to find cures for dying children. McDonald’s generously waived the rules that only the winner could claim the winnings, and paid St. […]

write a brief letter to an elected official representing or serving your target community.Your letter should do the following:Address your letter to a current elected official of your current town, city, county or region. 2. Name the community and summarize an issue you see in the community. 3. Include the source(s) you used to help identify this issue.

write a brief letter to an elected official representing or serving your target community. Your letter will be addressed to a real, current elected official (a town or city council, mayor, local or state representative, governor, etc.). However, this letter is meant to be a class assignment – you are not asked to send the […]

Should the level of moral reasoning be based on the stage of development that the man was in when he escaped from prison, or when he was located by authorities? Explain.

Lesson Minimum of 1 scholarly source (in addition to the textbook) Initial Post Instructions Option 1: In our readings this week there is an extensive discussion on educating children in their early childhood years. Based on what you know about Piaget’s stages of cognitive development, what type of early childhood education program would you want […]

Write a minimum of 750 words about your response to a specific moral dilemma in order to assess your own moral thinking as you begin the class.

Moral Dilemma – Before Paper. Near the beginning of the course, you will write a minimum of 750 words about your response to a specific moral dilemma in order to assess your own moral thinking as you begin the class. The “Before Paper” should • State the moral issue • Outline the moral issue’s history […]

What type of leader and what leadership skills would you prefer in the future leader of ACHS. How can the skills you mentioned help the company to recover from its present situation.

In mid-2010, things were not looking good for Asociación Chilena de Seguridad (ACHS), a workers’ insurance non-profit corporation.1 Also known as a “mutual,” ACHS provided member companies with risk prevention services and their workers with free, high-quality healthcare and, when needed, salary compensation for work-related accidents and illnesses. ACHS’s accident rates were now rising, even […]

Singer is a Utilitarian, so, like Mill, he believes that our moral decisions are governed by the Greatest Happiness Principle (GHP). What is GHP?

Purpose: this assignment builds on the last by deepening your practice of processing philosophical information, lectures, and readings. Task: write as much as you need to set yourself up for success in this course. You may write bullet points, make drawings, or craft full sentences. Make sure you do the following: 1.) Singer is a […]

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