Prepare a critical summary of the learning achieved in this session, and a review of its implications for future psychotherapeutic practice using a person-centred/experiential approach.

Process Report: The process report (3000 words): Conduct and record a therapeutic role-play for 20 minutes. Select a 10-minute section to then analyse the process using the person-centred/experiential approach. The content of your analysis should include the following: a) A critical review of the overall process of the session with particular reference to its overall […]

Critically analyse the concept of a’ person centred approach’ to care within your chosen field of nursing.

A critical analysis of person-centred care (PCC) in wound dressing Critically analyse the concept of a’ person centred approach’ to care within your chosen field of nursing Module outcomes being assessed: LO1 Critically analyse the influence of legal & ethical principles together with professional guidelines in the delivery of safe and effective interprofessional nursing practice […]

Evaluate one of the perspectives below, in relation to their strengths and limitations. Illustrate your answer with appropriate literature.

Description Evaluate one of the perspectives below, in relation to their strengths and limitations. Illustrate your answer with appropriate literature, paying particular attention to how the theory, model or method promotes relationship-based and person-centred social work practice. 1. Person-centred Approach 2. Relationship-based Practice 3. Anti-oppressive perspective 4. Trauma informed approach and recovery Learning outcomes: 1. […]

Discuss and analyse the way in which one symptom from the following list experienced by that patient may be assesed using a person centred approach relevant to the context of the scenario.

Discuss and analyse the way in which one symptom from the following list experienced by that patient may be assesed using a person centred approach relevant to the context of the scenario. Context introducing patient chosen and rationale for symptom choice (150 words), Impact of the social situation of your patient on their experiences of […]

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