Compare and contrast Agnew’s general strain theory with Tittle’s control balance theory; discuss their similarities/differences and how each might address the phenomenon of terrorism.

Compare and contrast Agnew’s “general strain theory” with Tittle’s “control balance theory”; discuss their similarities/differences and how each might address the phenomenon of terrorism. Are the two theories compatible in their perspectives?

Anthropologists nowadays often describe ethnography as “intersubjective.” Explain your understanding of this concept. Use one or more of the texts by Dunn, Knauft, Malinowski, Richardson, or Williams to illustrate your answer.

1. Academic citation. Why do we cite? Why does Williams (2018) choose to cite many Black women? And how is citation like a gift? write your 150-200 word answer here List of sources consulted for question 1 Choose either A or B; delete the question you do not answer 2A. Happiness. Anthropologists study happiness in […]

Demonstrate how you can apply the social ecological model to the topic of your testimony.Identify how it could be influenced by two (or more) levels of the social ecological model, as described in the Story et al (2008).

The purpose of the final paper is to demonstrate how you can apply the social ecological model to the topic of your testimony and consider two or more layers of the social ecological model. 3. The structure of the paper will be to (a) describe the phenomenon; (b) review the research that has been done […]

Write a 2,000-word report about the affect heuristic and psychic numbing, describing the phenomenon, research in the area, and things that might work to help people better represent the impact and importance of the disease’s consequences.

In the middle of a disease outbreak, the government is concerned that people are not treating it seriously enough, and in particular are ignoring the worrying statistics on the number of people who have contracted the disease and have died. You have been commissioned to write a 2,000-word report about the affect heuristic and psychic […]

In “From the Eiffel Tower to the Javanese Dancers,” the author refers to “the dynamics of visual mediation” as “the process thru which media technologies make a great variety of social & cultural experience widely & immediately available” (Young, 2008, n. 3). Discuss this phenomenon and its effects in relation to 1) the 19C Worlds Fairs & the 1889 Paris Expo in particular.

1.In “From the Eiffel Tower to the Javanese Dancers,” the author refers to “the dynamics of visual mediation” as “the process thru which media technologies make a great variety of social & cultural experience widely & immediately available” (Young, 2008, n. 3). Discuss this phenomenon and its effects in relation to 1) the 19C Worlds […]

When examining abortion, think of it more than just from the dominant white female/male perspective we are accustomed to hearing. What would transwomen say? Transmen? Gender queer?Discuss

For this assignment, you will need to select a social phenomenon and critically analyze it. Since the gender binary is so limiting in its perspective,  expand on your analysis and think about how different gender expressions and the concept of intersectionality would interpret this phenomenon. For example, when examining abortion, think of it more than […]

Why are NMDA receptors sometimes called “coincidence detectors”?Explain this phenomenon at a molecular, cellular, and behavioral level.

Why are NMDA receptors sometimes called “coincidence detectors”? (10pts) Explain this phenomenon at a molecular, cellular, and behavioral level (6). What is the role of magnesium in this process (2), and can magnesium supplementation improve learning? If yes, explain why and provide the evidence (cite 1-2 papers); or explain why not (2).

What are the main features of the hook up culture, and what does hooking up entail?:How do religion and the hook up culture clash, specifically pertaining to abstinence only sexual education?

Watch the speech given by Donna Freitas concerning the “Hook Up Culture.” Then, respond to the following 5 questions: 1. What are the main features of the hook up culture, and what does hooking up entail? 2. What perception do most college students have about their peers and this phenomenon? 3. According to Freitas, what […]

Compare and contrast Du Bois and Arendt on the means deployed to control a population:Outline your theoretical argument, connecting the empirical example you described with the theories of Dubois and Arendt. 150-250 words.

Instruction: Compare and contrast Du Bois and Arendt on the means deployed to control a population. What would be a good example of such a control today? Be specific about the processes that may be involved (for instance, you may focus on the law, the media, science, and/or the police etc…). You do not need […]

Find a study published in a peer-reviewed journal:Explain why the figures they presented made it clear what they were presenting or what the results were.

We have often read studies that attempt to explain a phenomenon to us in text or using statistical language, but we can likely understand complex studies more clearly using clear data presentation techniques. Find a study published in a peer-reviewed journal (that is not funded by the government, hint: search on PubMed to start) and […]

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