Watch the presentation video and write a press release.The press release needs to be about something newsworthy to the media.

Title:Watch the VIDEO and write a press release (Pretending FIDM museum announcing the opening of the 20TH annual) Subtitle Paragraph 1: The introduction Paragraph 2: The quote Paragraph 3: The information As outlined, the press release needs to be about something newsworthy to the media. Make sure to follow all the rules regarding writing a […]

Prepare a 1000 – 1200 word press release written from the point of view of Burger King when they posted the tweet “women belong in the kitchen” on International Women’s Day.

Description A 1000 – 1200 word press release written from the point of view of Burger King when they posted the tweet “women belong in the kitchen” on International Women’s Day. They posted the tweet to draw attention to how underrepresented women are in the culinary world but it backfired on them and they got […]

Select an existing company and a potential crisis.Based on this crisis, develop a campaign including the following outlined in the next section.

Overview: Select an existing company and a potential crisis (must not be something that’s already happened with this organization). Based on this crisis, develop a campaign including the following outlined in the next section. You should incorporate various elements that have been included in lessons and discussions. Also be clear with your responses and be […]

What evidence would you want to see taking place 18 months from now in Oakland for these families for the program to be determined a success in your opinion? In response to the article above: Summarize the program in one- two well written paragraphs: What questions do you still have about the program after reading the press release? (Minimum of three) What evidence would you want to see taking place 18 months from now in Oakland for these families for the program to […]

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