Prepare a memorandum to the tax manager outlining the information you found in your research.Identify at least three main issues based on these facts.

Prepare a memorandum to the tax manager outlining the information you found in your research. Follow the examples of file memoranda using the formatted Word document included. Format the memo to include: o Restatement of Facts o Identify at least three main issues based on these facts. o Provide a conclusion for each issue o […]

In about 2-3 pages,Demonstrate the use of the problem statement testing technique or another technique for framing and defining your problem statement.

Review the draft of the problem statement you developed in Week 1. In about 2-3 pages, address the following: Explain the importance of defining and framing a problem correctly. Demonstrate the use of the problem statement testing technique or another technique for framing and defining your problem statement. Test your problem statement by using the […]

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