Choose a social institution to describe and analyze the effect that the stratification elements of race have on that social institution.

Write a 750-1,000-word analysis on social stratification regarding race **In Education** Choose a social institution to describe and analyze the effect that the stratification elements of race have on that social institution. Include the following in your analysis: Explain how race impacts the social institution. Identify a form of race inequality associated with the social […]

Identify social systems in which the child lives and how these systems promote or deter her/him in maintaining or achieving well-being Health condition.

Choose an infant/child who is accessible to you. However, do not use your own infant/child or sibling because it is too difficult to be objective when observing immediate family members. Extended family members, for example cousins, are acceptable. Due to pandemic restrictions, you may observe the child via Zoom, Face Time, or other remote video […]

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