Find a podcast with sociological themes and discussions. Listen to at least three episodes of the podcast and take notes as you listen. You may use this link to find sociological podcasts that are of interest to you, or you can use your own listening service to find an appropriate podcast.

STEP 1: Find a podcast with sociological themes and discussions. Listen to at least three episodes of the podcast and take notes as you listen. You may use this link to find sociological podcasts that are of interest to you, or you can use your own listening service to find an appropriate podcast. STEP […]

Film: Flight (2012),watch and and discuss some aspect of the film.

Film: Flight (2012) (Times New Roman, 12pt font, double spaced) and discuss some aspect of the film. This could include, but not limited to, discussing a character(s), setting(s), conflict(s), or overall film and it should be clear, which film was chosen for this assignment. In order to receive maximum points, should discuss, explicitly, a theory, […]

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