How do you account for an interesting, complicated, inexplicable, or perplexing aspect of our current society?

creative research paper, you will be writing a 6-8 page paper on a topic of your choice. A unique aspect of this project is that you are required to do field work (interviews, observations, participation), along with library research, which should make this a more memorable experience for you. All the better if your research […]

Describe classification of Women in Margaret Atwood’s The Handmaid’s Tale

a. An original, argumentative thesis focused on applying feminist literary theory to a text discussed in class b. A strong and compelling introduction and conclusion c. Logical organization of ideas throughout d. At least 10 well-integrated scholarly resources, which may be either quoted or paraphrased, in addition to the primary text(s), and which may include […]

What is your overall opinion of the exhibit? On what basis has this opinion been formulated?

1. What is your overall opinion of the exhibit? On what basis has this opinion been formulated? That is, tell the reader what you think and how you arrived at this judgment. What did you expect to learn? To what extent – and how effectively – were your expectations met? Did you nod in agreement […]

Write an argument-driven essay based on; final can talk about , Villa Melzi 5th, oct 1833

Write an argument-driven essay on this work. Support the argument by combining formal analysis and information drawn from your research. You may frame your thesis using major concepts or issues discussed in class or readings; or you may devise it from scratch. In either case, it should be well-supported by the body of your essay […]

Select an important historical figure or topic from U.S. History, 1865 to the Present;Write a Research Paper making sure you include the following:A strong introduction which establishes your theme or thesis.

Instructions: Select an important historical figure or topic from U.S. History, 1865 to the Present. Write a Research Paper making sure you include the following: 1. A strong introduction which establishes your theme or thesis. 2. An identification of the historical figure or topic by giving appropriate background and biographical information. 3. Utilization of proper […]

Is there a character who represents some issues from the era, are there characters who function as members of the society at the time?

“Is there a character who represents some issues from the era, are there characters who function as members of the society at the time?” is still vague. The question of “Which issues of the era does Hamilton represent?” wasn’t answered clearly- you’ve only revised the first sentence. Please replace all vague and unclear sentences with […]

Consider the process of researching as a whole. What was the most challenging aspect of the process for you?

A. Topic Selection Guidelines DIRECTIONS: You may choose any topic you wish as long as the topic has two clear sides and is not agreed upon by most of society. Your topic should be current, appropriate for an academic context and should have a focus suitable for a 6-8 page essay. In order to foster […]

Develop an analysis of how narration works to facilitate the viewer’s understanding of the story from the given plot.

For The Invitation (Karyn Kusama, 2015), develop an analysis of how narration works to facilitate the viewer’s understanding of the story from the given plot. You should construct a strong and clear central thesis that considers the film as a whole (taking a global approach), but also identifies specific narrative patterns and instances throughout in […]

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