Identify five sources of online information (medical journal databases, websites, hospital policy databases, et cetera) that could be used to locate evidence for Congestive Heart failure.

Describe communication strategies to encourage nurses to research Congestive Heart failure, as well as strategies to collaborate with the nurses to access resources.

Describes the best places to complete research and what types of resources one would want to access to find pertinent information for the diagnosis within the context of a community clinic or Hospital.

Identify five sources of online information (medical journal databases, websites, hospital policy databases, et cetera) that could be used to locate evidence for Congestive Heart failure.

Explains why the sources selected should provide the best evidence for the chosen diagnosis. and note criteria used to determine the relevance and usefulness of the sources

Communicates using writing that is clear, logical, and professional, with correct grammar and spelling, using error-free, current APA style

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