Who are Monsanto’s stakeholders? What are the primary concerns of stakeholders? Does Monsanto maintain an ethical culture that effectively responds to various stakeholders?
Do you think government regulation is sufficient enough to protect stakeholders?
2.How should Monsanto manage the potential harm to plant and animal life from using products such as Roundup? What is it doing already? What should it change?
3.What should Monsanto do from a strategic perspective to improve its image and be a better socially-responsible citizen as an organization? What are some potential ethical standards that Monsanto should maintain, beyond laws and regulations?
4.What makes Bayer/Monsanto so “powerful”? Should it be “broken up” because it is too monopolistic? How have the lawsuits impacted the “power” of Bayer and Monsanto?
5.What are GMOs? Do you think they are “safe”? GMOs are legal, but are they “ethical”? What are the benefits of GMOs? What do you think the long-term impact of GMOs will be on the world’s agriculture and food supply? Compare the benefits of growing GM seeds for crops with the potential negative consequences of using them.
6.How were Monsanto’s actions unethical in regard to their use ofGMOs? What are the ramifications of Monsanto’s une