Write a 15–20 page (3,500–5,000-word) research paper in current Turabian format that answers a specific, well-defined research question dealing with how a Christian statesman would respond to an issue related to intergovernmental relations or federalism.

A statesman is a person who exhibits wisdom in administrating government affairs and dealing with important public issues. Christian statesmanship relates to the application of Biblical principles of government and leadership in a political context by a person of character and integrity, often in the face of grave danger or, at the very least, challenging circumstances. The statesman/woman energizes the community to get engaged in the policy solution. This term, we are learning about the complicated intergovernmental system in America and the challenges it poses to statesmen and stateswomen in creating and implementing good public policy.

Write a 15–20 page (3,500–5,000-word) research paper in current Turabian format that answers a specific, well-defined research question dealing with how a Christian statesman would respond to an issue related to intergovernmental relations or federalism.

You can choose any topic related to intergovernmental relations or federalism. Potential (but not exhaustive) List of Topics:

Federalism and the Rehnquist Court

Federalism during the George W. Bush or Barack Obama presidency

Environmental/Economic/Etc. policy and federalism

The relationship between tribal sovereignty and interstate cooperation

Urban policy in the federal system

Problems of preemption, devolution, or decentralization of the federal system

Suburban (or “new regionalism”) effects on federalism

Constitutional limits and effects on contemporary federal structures

Comparison of the Founders’ notion of federalism to current challenges in the intergovernmental system.


Formatting Requirements:

Include a title page in current Turabian format.


Font should be double-spaced, Times New Roman, size 12. All margins should be 1”.

Use current Turabian Author-Date style for all citations (i.e. parenthetical citations only—no footnotes).

Paper should be between 3,500–5,000 words (15–20 pages double spaced), including the title page and bibliography.


Paper must include a properly formatted bibliography in current Turabian style.

Page numbers should be included in the upper right-hand corner.

Paper must include 7–10 secondary sources to justify the student’s position and/or conclusions.

Paper must contain the following organizational elements: a clearly presented research question, literature review, analysis of the issue including a description of political problems/alternate views/current relevance, and a biblical integration component specifying how a Christian statesman would respond to the issue, such as creating or implementing a specific public policy.

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