Answer ONE question. Do not repeat material from your first coursework essay. Make use of filmic examples studied on the module in order to support your discussion of film theory. The term ‘module’ refers specifically to 6AAQT320 ‘Film Theory 2’. The essay should be 3000 words long and formatted according to the Film Studies department style guidelines in the student handbook. The department will confirm the deadline for this piece of work.
With reference to TWO film theorists studied on the module, critically assess what structuralist theory – whether semiotics or semiology – contributes to the study of film.
With reference to TWO film theorists studied on the module, evaluate the claim that it is inappropriate to talk about film theory as if it were a unified discipline.
With reference to TWO film theorists studied on the module, discuss the legacy that structuralist theory leaves to post-structuralism.
‘Film theory of the post-1968 era is characterized by the proliferation of “theories”, rather than the predominance of “Theory”’. Discuss with reference to TWO film theorists studied on the module.
With reference to TWO film theorists studied on the module, assess the continuing relevance of film theory within the context of film philosophy.
According to Thomas Elsaesser, post-structuralist theorists (deconstructionists and post-Lacanianists included) tried to put politics back into film analysis. Why did socio-political criticisms (feminism, queer studies, and post-colonial studies) follow logically from the emergence of post-structuralism? Discuss this with reference to TWO film theorists on the module.
You may also design your own question, in consultation with your seminar leader, answering the question with reference to TWO film theorists studied on the module.
Although this module requires you to foreground your knowledge of theory in your essays, please make use of filmic examples studied on the module to support your argument. You should refer to the relevant set readings in the module reader in the first instance. Suggestions for further reading are included at the bottom of each seminar or lecture handout. Please contact your seminar leader if you would like further guidance on how to approach the essay or for any further suggestions for additional reading.
March 2019