How can course readings, concepts, and themes help you to better understand, analyze, and critique a particular media object?

This assignment asks you to analyze a media object (e.g. commercial, music video, film, television episode, magazine cover, website, etc.) using theoretical tools inspired by class readings and discussions.

In 5-6 pages you are expected to engage with course materials to date (readings, lectures, class discussions, screenings, etc.) by way of an original and critically engaged response to one (or more) of the themes, ideas, and concepts covered.

The purpose of the assignment is not to summarize or review—you can assume your reader (i.e., your instructor) has done the same reading you have.

Rather, your objective is to synthesize the material you’ve chosen to focus on and use it to critically reflect on the media object of your choice.

What have you been thinking about while reading, listening, watching, and discussing in class? How can course readings, concepts, and themes help you to better understand, analyze, and critique a particular media object?

Use one of the attached material.

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