Prepare a business case study outlining a change initiative in an organization, using the information below as a guide.

Prepare a business case study outlining a change initiative in an organization, using the information below as a guide.

-Maximum length: 20 double-spaced pages.
-Follow APA standards for style, citations, and references (a minimum of 8 academic sources).
-Your case study report should have the following components in this order:
-Cover Page (Include name and student ID).
-Executive Summary (Focus on key points/findings – often written last).
-Background Information (A brief history of the organization and a current situation analysis outlining where the organization currently finds itself).
-The Need for Change.
-The Change Process.
-Conclusions (Should include where the organization might go from here, and/or how the sustainability of the change can be ensured).
-Appendices (Any charts, financials, visuals, or other related items can be placed here and referenced in the report).

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