From a holistic approach, research and conduct an analysis on the leadership (select your own level of leadership for this analysis) of this prominent Blunder.

Words: 162
Pages: 1
Subject: Law

.From a holistic approach, research and conduct an analysis on the leadership (select your own level of leadership for this analysis) of this prominent Blunder.

.Evaluate/assess and write about a few of the failed (alleged) qualities, attributes, leadership styles, political, social, decisions, challenges, and communication skills of this leader—that led to this (alleged Blunder or Failed Mission). *Make sure you back up your premise with Facts not Emotions/Politics.

.*Using all the knowledge you accrued on leadership in this class, and withtons of research materials at your finger tips, argue, and convince the world, why you selected this failed policy and why the person you selected as the responsible party/leader, was at fault and why.

.This document should be cited and completed within a 4-6 page limit, andinclude at least 8 separate scholarly/credible sources. Use standard 12 point font, and double spaced. Lay out your arguments in an easy to read format—good organization and not an essay type document.

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