In 2500-3000 words prepare a double-spaced research paper on a topic of your choosing from 20th Century Latin American history.

A 10-12 page (2,500-3,000 word) double-spaced research paper on a topic of your choosing from 20th Century Latin American history. The paper must center around a historical question which you prove with primary and secondary source evidence. You should use at least 10-12 sources for the final paper.

Does Gay give the reader a different understanding of the hypocrisies of the aristocratic 18th century gentleman, parodied by the outlaw gang?Explain

In The Beggar’s Opera, romanticism is a resource only for those who know nothing of reality. The play itself moves from benign to vicious images, from unself-conscious, romantic, and conventional to a more cynical and analytical use of the same sort of material. At first, Polly epitomizes ignorance and innocence. As the play progresses, do […]

Find an art period you are interested in,write how art is used as propaganda, a social tool, or art & society.

for this research paper, the topic is suppose to correlate with the class “Ancient to the 14th century” (Art History). She wants us to choose our own topic, although i have not found one, which im hoping you will. Basically find an art period you are interested in and narrow it down to 1-2 art […]

Situate the story within its cultural context, and discuss the themes that Davis conveys to readers through her characters’ actions. What, in your opinion, is the most important message the author is trying to convey to her 19th Century readers?Discuss

2.)”In the Market,” by Rebecca Harding Davis, chronicles Situate the story within its cultural context, and discuss the themes that Davis conveys to readers through her characters’ actions. What, in your opinion, is the most important message the author is trying to convey to her 19th Century readers? the lives of sisters living in the […]

Discuss the influence of African or Asian art on Western art from the 19th century through the present, citing specific works, artists, styles, or movements that have been influential.

Discuss the influence of African or Asian art on Western art from the 19th century through the present, citing specific works, artists, styles, or movements that have been influential. Recommended resources to get you started: Murrell, D. (2008). African Influences on Modern Art. Heilbrunn Timeline of Art History, Metropolitan Museum of Art. Michael, C. (2010). […]

What is transcendentalism at its inception; how did it develop over time; who was involved and how were they affected; and how has it changed over time? Is it a bygone fancy or is it something we are trying to recapture in the modern age?Discuss

(DIRECTIONS) You are required to utilize either MLA or APA style citation and Works Cited. (Please do NOT use auto-generated citation engines). The paper should be between 3-5 pages, typed in size 12 New York Times font, format with one-inch margins, and double-spaced. You should utilize no less than five sources in your research- at […]

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