Write a two page reflection paper based on your observations, recommendations and information gained through this assignment. Did this observation give you new insight? Did you see anything in the classroom that might have changed your viewpoint of setting up a diverse classroom?

Observation 1. viewing the videos in provided, complete the observational chart. Make suggestions for improvement in the recommendations column. 2. Write a two page reflection paper based on your observations, recommendations and information gained through this assignment. Did this observation give you new insight? Did you see anything in the classroom that might have changed […]

Why is this information in this chapter/article important? How will it impact your instruction in the classroom?

Reading Rockets Score Request Sheet SPED 302 Reading Response Sheet Required Reading Learning Activities SPED 302 Reading Response Sheet(2).docx 2. Reading Rockets:Common Types of Reading Problems and How to Help Children Who Have Them http://www.readingrockets.org/article/common-types-reading-problems-and-how-help-children-who-have-them Use the above article to respond to the following Name Article Name: Describe 6 key ideas in this chapter/article. Most […]

Learning goal for the unit you started in Topic 3 and one of the objectives you have written. Explain how the objective aligns to the learning goal, and how you plan to measure the learning objective. How will you differentiate instruction to meet student needs in your classroom?

Question Learning goal for the unit you started in Topic 3 and one of the objectives you have written. Explain how the objective aligns to the learning goal, and how you plan to measure the learning objective. How will you differentiate instruction to meet student needs in your classroom?

Evaluate the use of the corrective feedback type and it’s implementation from both a teacher’s and student’s perspective.

Description First read chapter 9 of our course text, focusing on errors and error corrections. Then, watch this 10-minute ESL teaching video clip on YouTube. After watching it in slow motion, find and transcribe 4 instances of corrective feedback. For each instance, you are to: Identify and categorize the errors Describe how the error was […]

Create a simple problem that could be used in a classroom and demonstrate how you would use each of the four steps to solve this problem. How would you teach this process in the classroom?Discuss

In your own words, describe the four-step problem-solving process. Explain why each step is important. Create a simple problem that could be used in a classroom and demonstrate how you would use each of the four steps to solve this problem. How would you teach this process in the classroom?

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