Which psychological tools of influence did you use? Why? Which kind of appeals did you use in this message? Would you consider this message to be catering more to emotion or logic? Explain.

Illustrate techniques and skills of correct business research report writing; learn report writing style using an approved style; and, apply the basics of oral communication in a presentation of a project, including, proper speech, organization, use of graphical aids, and effective non-verbal communications. Analyze effective business letters, memorandums, and case studies. Assignment Question(s): Part 1 […]

Define the technique or method you selected–what is it? When and how do you use your technique or method? Outline the specific steps required for your particular technique.

Select only ONE of the following four techniques for collecting data: The Experiment, the Survey, Participant Observation, Secondary/Historical analysis Define the technique or method you selected–what is it? When and how do you use your technique or method? Outline the specific steps required for your particular technique. What are the advantages and disadvantages of your […]

What was the main issue that was at the core of the persuasive encounter? Who was involved? What were the relationships among those involved? What power, if any, was evident in the relationship(s)? How do you think the other person(s) in the persuasive encounter viewed it? Who else may have been affected by this persuasion? How did the impact on them affect your approach?

Option #1:—Persuasion Focus For the Portfolio Project you will have the opportunity to apply what you have learned about conflict and persuasion by analyzing a persuasive encounter you have experienced. You will apply and assess the skills and theories presented in this course as they relate to your case study. To support your application of […]

Explain the relevance of customer value models for marketing managers and address whether the benefits provided by a product should be equal, inferior, or superior to the cost paid by the customer for the product. Why/Why not?

Article Synthesis In your own words, define and explain “value” from a customer’s perspective. In your discussion be sure to explain 1) the different factors that can increase the “value” to a customer for a given product/service, and 2) whether “value” is a tangible or intangible element? Explain the relevance of customer value models for […]

How should a project manager gain buy-in from stakeholders? What techniques should a project manager use to obtain this buy-in?

How should a project manager gain buy-in from stakeholders? What techniques should a project manager use to obtain this buy-in? The assignment is to answer the question provided above in essay form. This is to be in narrative form and should be as thorough as possible. Bullet points should not to be used. The paper […]

What you will do to make your point clear and candid during the conversation. How you will remove your own personal emotion from the conversation while still maintaining empathy and trust with the employee.

The performance of your top employee has recently slipped. You had a conversation with the employee to address it. The employee improved for a period of time, but slipped again. Now, your boss has noticed, which questions your leadership. You do not want to terminate this employee because you know the value of this person […]

How did ineffective communication negatively impact the given program and its stakeholders? What would you change to improve the communication with the stakeholders?

YOU MUST USE Provided PDF  as one resource the others must be within 5 years. PLEASE USE TEMPLATE PROVIDED Overview In this assignment, you will critique a health or healthcare program based on the provided literature. Before beginning this assignment, please visit the module Resources section and explore the program critique reading resource. This assignment […]

Describe your research findings and provide your conclusion.Identify a research topic that you are interested in. Formulate your research question.

Prompt: Identify a research topic that you are interested in. Formulate your research question. Then complete the following: Choose the research variables needed to answer your research questions. Formulate hypotheses for your study. Collect data from secondary sources . Test the hypotheses using one or more of the techniques you have learned in this class. […]

What should be the key financial performance indicator used to analyze performance changes for hospitals? Clinics? Health plans? Public health agencies?

1. Identify methods to reduce employees’ resistance to change during an operations improvement project. 2. What should be the key financial performance indicator used to analyze performance changes for hospitals? Clinics? Health plans? Public health agencies? 3. Describe tools  that can be used to ensure that processes achieve their desired results. 4. Describe the tools, […]

Discuss the technical aspects of your topic in general terms. Discuss the public policy debates relevant to the topic you choose. This section should cover arguments that favor and oppose the use of the techniques or products.

This week you will submit the final draft of your term paper on Abortion. Your term paper should: Discuss the technical aspects of your topic in general terms. Discuss the public policy debates relevant to the topic you choose. This section should cover arguments that favor and oppose the use of the techniques or products. […]

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