Conduct a literature review on a specific disorder or problem in living covered in the assigned readings.

Foundations of Individual Counseling Assignment Description Conduct a literature review on a specific disorder or problem in living covered in the assigned readings. From this research, you will write an APA-style literature review and present your findings. The paper should contain the following elements: Clear and explicit description of disorder or problem and its prevalence […]

Pick one hematological disorder covered in this module. For this disorder, identify and describe three treatment strategies for the disorder. What challenges could arise in carrying out these strategies and providing care to the patient?Explain

Malignant lymphomas Directions: Pick one hematological disorder covered in this module. For this disorder, identify and describe three treatment strategies for the disorder. What challenges could arise in carrying out these strategies and providing care to the patient?

Write a two-page overview of your experience, whether it was a site visit or interview.

Drugs and Health Site Visit / Interview General Description (Option 1 or 2) Visit (physical/virtual) a professional substance-related program and conduct an interview with a representative from that agency. Questions should pertain to operation, philosophies, treatment strategies, barriers, successes, etc. Or (2) the student will interview a person who has experienced treatment and/or is in […]

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