Describe evidence-based strategies for classroom and learner management and evidence-based best practices to enhance learner motivation and how you would employ these in your learning environment and with a diverse group of learners.

Describes the learning environment most appropriate for the educational topic and intended audience that you identified. Briefly describes and evaluates theories of classroom management, learner management, and learner motivation that are relevant to your course and intended audience. Describes evidence-based strategies for classroom and learner management and evidence-based best practices to enhance learner motivation and […]

Write a two page paper on the observations of students with behavioral or emotional delays in a school settings:Identify methods and strategies that appear to be beneficial to students with learning and/or emotional disabilities as well as those you consider inappropriate.

Write a two page paper on the observations of students with behavioral or emotional delays in a school settings (you can find youtube videos if you’d like) Observation reports should include the following: Student-teacher and student-student interactions in a classroom or other organized setting. (What did you observe?) Identification of teaching methods and strategies that […]

Choose a video to watch on LITERACY & ENGLISH LANGUAGE ARTS:Why did you select this video? What do you hope to learn?

Choose a video to watch. It MUST be from the subject and topic: LITERACY & ENGLISH LANGUAGE ARTS Grade Level MUST be from 5-12 grades. You can choose the “framework” of your liking. In your paper indicate the following: Content area and Title of the video: ATLAS video#: The grade level category for this observation […]

Imagine you are one of the parents concerned about play and have just received this newsletter. What would you say to the teacher in response to the information?Discuss

“If you trust play, you will not have to control your child’s development as much. Play will raise the child in ways you can never imagine.” – Vince Gowmon Many skills are developed in a play-based curriculum. Setting up centers in the classroom provides the opportunity for you to plan for learning experiences to strengthen […]

Compose a brief document of between 500 and 850 words (approximately 2 to 3 pages long):Compare at least two of the tools, examining advantages and disadvantages of each type.Speculate about why a particular situation or setting might call for one type of software over another.

Written Assignment Sometime in the course of your education or your career you will probably be asked to lead or participate in a presentation. You’ll find it valuable to know the options available for presenting information to a group in a clear and engaging manner. Read the lesson material as well as the articles by […]

What does being a teacher mean to you?What inspires you to teach and how past classroom experiences as a teacher or a student will influence your teaching style in the ESL classroom.Discuss

What does being a teacher mean to you? Some points you may want to include are your thoughts on the teacher-student relationship, the roles you will play as a teacher, what inspires you to teach and how past classroom experiences as a teacher or a student will influence your teaching style in the ESL classroom. […]

What accommodations do you need to make for students who are more “concrete?”

Teachers continually need to develop strategies to address the different levels of cognitive development of their students. Using Piaget’s framework, think about a concept that you would most enjoy teaching. To start, talk about how you can teach this concept or lesson to students who are at both the concrete and formal operational stages (according […]

How will you promote self-confidence in middle and high school students who are struggling with their reading so that they may develop fluency to better comprehend text?

Answer each question in 150 words and two references. 1. Difficulties with fluency affects comprehension. This becomes even more challenging in the intermediate Grades 4-6, when students begin to notice how differently they learn. How will you promote self-confidence in middle and high school students who are struggling with their reading so that they may […]

What issues arise with Judy’s request of Lynne? Is there an ethical dilemma here? What ethical principles from Chapters 1 and 2 relate to this case? Who are the stakeholders? And how should Lynne assess the situation?

Terri L. Rittenburg Lynne, who had just received a master’s degree in marketing, was in her first professional marketing job. Although she’d been prepared to move to another city, she landed a position in her hometown with a nonprofit organization. Her title, Marketing Specialist, entailed working with various people in the organization to market its […]

After watching Teachers Unions vs. Students (PragerU, 2014), share your personal reflection regarding the importance of educational stakeholder groups (e.g., school boards, unions, and testing companies) and their impact on teachers and the classroom.

After watching Teachers Unions vs. Students (PragerU, 2014), share your personal reflection regarding the importance of educational stakeholder groups (e.g., school boards, unions, and testing companies) and their impact on teachers and the classroom. Also reference chapter 16: Teacher Unions and School Reform: Advocate or Adversary (Nelson, Palonsky, & McCarthy, 2013, pp. 381-393) for additional […]

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